When stock is available you can Click & Collect or Order & Pickup your paid order from our warehouse within the same day during working hours: Mondays to Fridays 9am-5pm. Payment can be made via internet banking to our bank account as follows:

Our Bank Details:

NCG Heating & Cooling Pty Ltd
BSB: 063 583
Account No.: 10290847
Bank: Commonwealth Bank

We are Oakleigh-Victoria based. You can pickup/collect your paid order within the same day if stock is available at our warehouse in Heidelberg West (Victoria). Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays 9am-4pm, except public holidays.

We deliver to Melbourne Metro areas that are within 30 minutes drive from our warehouse for a delivery fee of $50*. Your paid order will be delivered in 3-7 working days when stock is available.
* Delivery to garage only, not more than 3 steps. Additional $30 for delivery to apartments in CBD and areas without easy and free parking.

Currently, our delivery service does not cover New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia, Regional Victoria, Tasmania. However, you could make your own interstate delivery arrangement to pick up the goods from our warehouse.